Treasures in Heaven

On Day 12 of Journey to the Manger, we explore Luke 12, where Jesus teaches about seeking treasures in heaven rather than being consumed by earthly possessions. His words challenge us to trust God fully and live with an eternal perspective. Join us as we reflect on how to prepare our hearts for Christ by focusing on what truly matters this Christmas season.

Day 12: Luke 12


1. How does Jesus warn us against greed in the Parable of the Rich Fool?

2. What does Jesus teach about worry and trusting in God’s provision?

3. How can we “be rich toward God” in our daily lives?

4. What does Jesus mean when He says, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also"?

5. How can we stay prepared for Jesus’ return as faithful servants?


- Greed focuses on temporary wealth, but generosity stores up treasures in heaven.

- Trusting in God frees us from worry and helps us focus on His kingdom.

- Living with an eternal perspective changes how we use our time and resources.

- Our treasure reveals our priorities—loving God and others should come first.

- Staying spiritually alert prepares us for Jesus’ return and deepens our faith.


Lord, help us to trust in Your provision and live with an eternal perspective. Teach us to store up treasures in heaven by loving and serving You with all we have. Keep us ready for Your return. Amen.

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