Delivered By The Almighty


Day 95: Delivered By The Almighty

2 Samuel 7:22

"Then David said, 'Is not the Lord Almighty God my deliverer?”

David’s exclamation of praise captures the essence of recognizing God’s mighty deliverance in our lives. It’s a call to remember all the ways God has rescued, healed, and blessed us—even when we might have overlooked His work. As you consider your own life, think about the moments when God’s hand lifted you out of despair or carried you through a difficult situation. Let your heart overflow with praise for the enduring, faithful love of the Almighty.


  • What specific experiences of deliverance and blessing stand out to you?

  • How can you make gratitude a regular part of your daily walk with God?

Prayer: Lord, I thank You for being my deliverer and for every blessing You have poured into my life. Help me to maintain a heart full of praise, always mindful of Your mighty works and steadfast love. Amen.

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